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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 9th August, 2008)

Roman exhibit

Roman exhibit
The Roman exhibit behing The Grand Arcade on Millgate, Wigan

Photo: Dave  (Nikon D3)
Views: 5,128

Comment by: dave johnson on 9th August 2008 at 00:28

Could you imagine Chester City Council or York for that matter discovering a Roman Hypocaust and saying "ho bugger it carry on and build the new shopping centre that we so desperately need" I don`t think so

Comment by: danni on 9th August 2008 at 20:35

its a crying shame it couldnt have been left in situ and glassed over

Comment by: Dave on 9th August 2008 at 21:18

They trashed more Roman ruins there than Chester have built a whole tourist empire on.

Comment by: Catherine Rosbottom on 12th August 2008 at 23:58

I never got to see any of those Roman remains so it's great to see this photo. It is a shame that I'll never get to see it now.

Comment by: Dave on 31st October 2016 at 17:43

Wigan has a long and fasciating history,much has been discovered but seems to be kept secret, and there is much that has been quietly and conveniently forgotten,along with so much more that is still there to be discovered, yet due to so much short sighted development Wigan has missed out on what could be a valuable and lucrative tourist industry. For example look what has happened in recent years to the once well received pier historical experience

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