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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 3rd October, 2007)

St Mark's Church

St Mark's Church
St Mark's Church in Newtown

Photo: Jonathan Rigby  (Nikon Coolpix 4300)
Views: 5,490

Comment by: vicky smallman on 3rd October 2007 at 16:35

A lovely photograph.i don't know the church but i bet it would be great for a wedding.i like the entrance.

Comment by: Barbara Ashurst(nee Bradshaw) on 4th October 2007 at 09:00

I was married in St Marks in 1967.It was our local church.Ilived at number 8 Argyll St,just across the road. As a bride it must have been the shortist trips to church for any bride.I was Brown Owl for the St Marks Brownies for number of years.I now live in Cyprus.Its a lovely picture of the old church.

Comment by: Evelyn on 6th October 2007 at 00:11

I married my husband Don in St Marks on June 1961 and the vicar was Rev. Baty

Comment by: Alan Porter on 9th October 2007 at 00:08

I was Christened in this church in April 1936. I am viewing it now from Western Canada.

Comment by: David Beeny on 9th October 2007 at 21:49

When I was around 10 (1945ish), I was in the choir, and also the Lifebuoys.. The Vicar at the time was a big, gruff Liverpudlian - a Mr Davey. He used to scare the socks off me.
His daughter (Miss Davey) was also quite a character...

Comment by: Margaret Peters (formerly Fletcher) on 21st August 2009 at 15:30

I went to Church there in my youth. All those iron rails were removed for metal during the war. I used to sit on that wall when i was with my boyfriend. Am now viewing this from Georgia in America. I sang in the choir also.It really brings back memories.

Comment by: David Beeny on 23rd May 2012 at 19:36

Margaret....you weren't in the Royal Navy by any chance were you?

Comment by: Margare Peters (Fletcher) on 16th August 2012 at 21:21

Yes, I was in the Royal Navy.

Comment by: David Beeny on 9th September 2012 at 22:20

Hi Margaret - my - we don't half take our time answerin' I was in school with you - we spoke occasionally, we all used to sometimes 'muster' in Robin Park.
Aged 18, I joined the RN, and who should I bump into in the NAAFI club in Pompey was you. We had a quick chat, (was good to meet someone from my home town) - then went our separate ways. Small world. Still married and living in Plymouth. Regards.

Comment by: Margaret Peters on 10th September 2012 at 20:10

David, your name sounded familiar, but I can't remember anything else about you. Do you keep in touch with any of the crowd we used to "muster" with in Robin Park? It was wonderful to hear from someone who knows me. Thanks for responding. My husband and I celebrated our 58th wedding annivesary in January of this year. He's not in the best of health, but I am still working three days a week.I am looking forward to hearing more from you.

Comment by: David Beeny on 11th September 2012 at 21:00

Margaret - if you contact brian@wiganworld.co.uk - he will pass on my EMail address. Be better that way I think. I've already Emailed him.

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