Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 5th September, 2007)
Scotman's Flash

Photo: Dave Marsh (Fuji Finepix S5700)
Looks very peaceful
(Dave's daughter)
Such blue,blue water!
A lovely photo
(Anna's online friend)
The Red Rose county beats the Yorkshire views any day!
Very nice :o)
All i'd need would be a nice comfy chair and a good book and i could sit there all day!
Vikki (Anna's Friend)
It's obviously summer where you are! In Wet Yorks this morning it was, well, wet. And Manchester is its usual grey gloomy self. I'd rather be in your picture!
I could not agree with you more, Dave.
What a fantastic picture.
(another of Annas on-line friends)
That looks like a lovely place, nice photo
Himalayan Balsom! Kill the boggets.
What a lovely picture!! The water looks really inviting to me, after having just finished my weeding!!
Yorkshire isn't bad, we have lots of pretty views around & about.
blue water under grey sky, this is not straight out of the camera is it ?
It's amazing what effect you can achieve using filters.