Photos of Wigan
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Photo-a-Day Archive
Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 2nd September, 2007)
Park Lodge

A shabby Mesnes Park Lodge awaits a return from dereliction.
Photo: Steve Carter (Fuji Finepix A330)
Photo: Steve Carter (Fuji Finepix A330)
Views: 4,993
Comment by: Zoe on 3rd September 2007 at 11:18
That looks alot bigger than i thought it was now all the trees n stuff have been moved from front, id love to have a look inside, ashame they have let it get in such a state
Comment by: Ruth Gallagher on 17th October 2007 at 10:33
Excellent pic. What a difference from years ago when it always looked neat and tidy. Who are "they" who have let it get into such a state. Council, Church, others, no-one has seemed to be responsible. A sheer waste. What a lovely home it would have made.
Comment by: Ken on 19th October 2007 at 01:08
It is the council. It was the Park Superintendents residence originally.
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