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Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 30th July, 2007)

The 'Not So' Grand Hotel

The 'Not So' Grand Hotel
Once a posh hotel in town. The paintwork is flaking and some of the windows have been boarded up.

Photo: Brian  (Fuji Finepix S7000)
Views: 5,501

Comment by: Del on 30th July 2007 at 09:31

Its a shame it does'nt look so Grand when passing it these days

Comment by: john ashurst on 30th July 2007 at 09:33

What a disgrace for a town center,I wonder who actually owns the place now?....I know its mostly occupied by refugees etc. In the light of the image our coucil are trying to give the town,you would think that they would do something about this fine old building,.Is it a listed property?. My wife and many of our friends spent many happy hours in The Grand in the sixties and seventies,as well a The Park Hotel and the Market Tavern what a shame.
The hotel is on the major bus route in and out of town....a bad view of the town for visitors on the buses.

Comment by: Pat on 30th July 2007 at 11:00

Gosh, I remember having many an enjoyable evening here, in my late teens , (a few years ago) - we thought that we were quite "posh" then!!!
Yesterday's yuppies!

Comment by: bee on 3rd August 2007 at 19:56

OUR !!! town is going to the dogs. i am begining to feel a foreigner, cant speak the language !!!

Comment by: David on 7th August 2007 at 22:21

I remember The Grand in the 60s - great place. According to the WMBC Listed Buildings in Wigan. p16. The only building in Dorning St which is listed is the Coops Factory. What a shame.

Comment by: John on 9th August 2007 at 17:29

It is due to be converted to 'posh' flats by the developer (who also owns the Anvil and leases it back Ian & Donna) though, as ever with developers, only when the time is right...

Even worse up the same road is the Bricklayers Arms...

Comment by: Rob M on 1st February 2008 at 12:47

Nice building, I'm sure the owner will develop it as it has the potential to make plenty of money for hiM!

Comment by: jenwren on 16th March 2008 at 20:02

I worked in the Grand when I was home from college in the late 60's. What fun we had. Anyone remember Joe the Irish barman. I hear he had a sad end. I remember when Simon Dee came in. It was nearing the end of his career I think and he had come to Wigan to open a new boutique.
Oh what memories I have of that place and how sad to see it as it is now.

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