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Posted by: Helen Baldwin on 18th December 2021
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Known of it for years
This is for Andrew from Rainhill.
Tom & Phyllis Eddleston used to live opposite us in Hindley Green in the 1970.
I think they moved to Ashton in Makerfield, but not sure. Last saw them about 6 yrs ago at a funeral.
Posted by: Andrew on 17th December 2021
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Trying to locate Thomas/ Tommy Eddlington.
Used to live in Billinge but moved to the Wigan area some years ago.
He'll be about 69/70 now, I believe he married a girl named Phylis.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Posted by: Captain Morgan on 11th December 2021
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Hammond, Indiana, USA.
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browsing for organs and pirates history.
My grandfather was born in Hammond and went to Wigan. He didn't like it and soon came back.
I am very interested in Hammond Organs and Pirates.
Posted by: Valda morgan on 3rd December 2021
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My grandfather was born in Wigan, and came to Australia and I am very interested in Wigan
Posted by: Barbara on 30th October 2021
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Word of mouth.
Thanks, TerryW but having read some of your disgusting comments I don't think I will bother registering.
Posted by: Terry W on 11th October 2021
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Been a member for a while.
I have been advising lots of people to contact ron@wiganworld.co.uk to join Wigan World as you will get more help from the boards.
Posted by: Erik Mols on 4th October 2021
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Biezenmortel, The Netherlands
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Came here while researching 'de Moels', Molyneux, Mols .
Posted by: Barrie on 20th September 2021
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Long ago via the net.
Message for "Zenith" who posted (19/09/21) on communications-message board-History of Wigan for obtaining a book. I managed to find both parts of this book by typing in the Google search engine with the titles and ISBN number.(Part 1-ISBN1-870754-18-2; Part 2-ISBN1-870754-23-9). both books came via 2nd hand book shops (Southport & Eastbourne) on line.
Hope this helps in your search. PS , I am not registered on WW message board but Ron/Brian has my contact address.
Posted by: phillip hayes on 2nd September 2021
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minehead somerset
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search for someone
great site waiting to be allowed in
Posted by: Helen of Troy on 15th August 2021
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Ages ago
Re Belshaw Family History, originally from the Ince area of Wigan.
Looking for any one quite recently, with family names...Bernard, Eileen & Maureen. Older names Robert, James, Nathan, Alice & Mary.
Grateful for any help at all.
Posted by: Ann Cronin on 26th March 2021
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Santa Ana California
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Looking for information about my grandparents. Edmund and Hanna Conroy.
Conroy and Sons 68 Market Street

My husbands family ran The Wheatshief pub in Standish.
Posted by: Judith Bolt on 23rd March 2021
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West Wales
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On Line
In process of preparing family tree and found lots of family living in Ince in Makerfield and working in the Iron works industry. Reading information in WiganWorld has been lovely to set things into context. thank you
Posted by: TerryW on 22nd February 2021
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Been a member for a while.
Caroline, I have advised lots of people to Contact ron@wiganworld.co.uk to join Wigan World as you will get more help there.
Posted by: Carole (Winstanley) Ross on 21st February 2021
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In Melbourne Australia
I was born and bred in Wigan on Norley Hall Estate. I left to go to Australia in September 1967. In December 2020 Ive moved back to Wigan permanently and look forward to seeing all my family and friends when the Covid restrictions are over. Its great to be back with family and old friends, and I look forward to making new friends very soon
Posted by: Caroline Edmondson on 20th February 2021
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Google Search
Trying to trace my family tree... Anyone have any information on Edmondson / Watkinsons (great great grandparents) who used to run the Black Swan, 112 Scholes Street in the late 1800s... Also information on Henry Farr & Sons... Alderman Harry Farr (my great great uncle)... Would be great to get any old photos of Farr & Sons and Black Swan pub... Thanx... and it's a great website...
Posted by: TerryW on 25th January 2021
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Been a member for a while.
Simon, I have advised lots of people to Contact ron@wiganworld.co.uk to join Wigan World as you will get more help on there.
Posted by: Simon Walsh on 24th January 2021
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Penwortham, Prerston
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Searching for old photos/pictures of Cambridge House School, Standishgate
An ancester Anthony Craston was the founder and Headmaster of Cambridge House School, Standishgate. Previously Manager of the Haigh Foundry. The school has since been knocked down, replaced with Mabs Cross PS. Any old photos/pictures greatly appreciated.

Best Wishes and take care,

Simon \walsh
Posted by: Joseph on 22nd January 2021
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Looking In
Bush Hotel. 216 Belle Green Lane, Higher Ince.
Posted by: George (Hindley) on 15th January 2021
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Came across it looking for Hindley history.
Phil, the Bush wasn't in Wigan it was in Belle Green Lane, Ince in Makerfield, Lancashire.
Posted by: Phill Cristofaro on 11th January 2021
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Melbourne, Australia
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An internet search of the Bush Inn

My name’s Phill and I produce a podcast with my 90 year old mother-in-law. The podcast is called Mondays with Milly.

“Milly” (her real name is Doreen) ran the Bush Inn in Wigan for two years in the 1960s and she talks about it at-length in this episode in case anyone is interested. Here’s the link:


I think it’s a really important piece of social history and such a rich story.

You can find the podcast wherever you source your podcasts.

Thank you for maintaining this site. I’ll be sharing it with Milly.