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owd robiner 's on holiday


mates on holiday
mates on holiday
Photo: viv hitchen(leigh)
Views: 2,957
Item #: 9209
bonny lads from robin on holiday(i.o.m.)i think help me out owd robiner.over to you.

Comment by: oldtoplocker on 10th February 2009 at 22:10

A young Derek Openshaw at the front alias Simon Templer.
[the saint]

Comment by: owd robiner on 16th February 2009 at 11:36

hi Viv,yes the photo was taken at (i.o.m)in 1960 or 1961 as
you know we went a few times there,always had a great week, we are sunbathing on the beach at Douglas,always stayed at the Warrington hotel it was our favourite place central to
all the places,the good old days.

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