Wigan Album
Millers Auto Services
24 CommentsPhoto: JohnAlan
Item #: 21190
it was across road from wellington st on opposit side a bit lower down from scholes pictures on right
This is on Manchester Road, Ince, about half-way between Ince Bar and Ince Park.
Pretty sure it's Manchester Road Ince opposite where the Park pub was
I think this is in Higher ince
Cresta car accessories is there now facing moathouse street
this is across the rd from were the park hotel was at ince were they sell cars and white vans i think its a car part shop now
could be in ince but dont remember it but looks like where cresta is now i only rember millers in scholes
Peter is exactly right, Cresta motor parts. But can anyone name the cars?
This is a better pic
ELEVEN user Comments? I don't think so!Or someone can't count! Brian Johnson, are you from Ince,around Ince Green Lane/ George St. area?
The car on the rigth is a ROVER the next cari do not know the next car is a worley the next car on left is a Renault doufenn.
wolsey,standard and rover i think but could be wrong
its the shop now occupied by cresta car spares
Is it the same Millers who had the big motorbike place at Newtown (Saddle)?
Renault Dauphine, Wolseley, Standard 8 or 10, Rover 90
Certain of makes - not 100% on models
It is definately where Cresta is now on Manchester rd - it hasn't changed much.
left to right the cars are a Renault Dauphine, a Wolseley 1.5, a Standard (8 or 10)and a Rover 75,90 or 105
we come from wallgate born in leeds st in Wigan and went to st Thomas school in Caroline st
Thanks Brian, with you knowing Ince I thought you might be a Brian Johnson who used to live near me when I lived there.
L to R. They are Renault, Wolseley, Standard and Rover.
this photo is already on here some where I bought my motor bike off that Millers in the early 60s, a Royal Enfield 250, picked it up on Friday and it went back on monday as I was in the RAIE with my leg in plaster, 6 m0nths off work for a weekend riding a motor bike, Ive never been on one since
L-R Renault Dauphine in production 1956-1967...Wolseley 1500 (similar to the Riley one point five) in production 1957-1965...Standard Eight in production 1953-1959...Rover 90 the P4 family in production 1953-1964.