Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Photo: Mick Smalley
Photo: Mick Smalley
Views: 2,411
Item #: 20996
Item #: 20996
This shows the reverse side of the postcard that my mother received showing dad (concert party)as a prisoner of war,1940's.
Comment by: LEP1950 on 7th July 2012 at 20:11
It's a wonder your mother received the card as it has stamped all over it "Not allowed - Return to sender". Or did your father bring it back from the war with him? The lefthand side gives your father's prisoner's number and the number of the camp he was in. It's a very interesting picture of the concert.
Comment by: Mick Smalley on 8th July 2012 at 11:15
LEP1950 thanks for the translation you are probably right about dad bringing it home.
Comment by: Albert. on 8th July 2012 at 18:20
If you wish to translate any language, into the language you are familiar with. Go to Google, across the top there are eleven categories. the last one is "more". Click onto "more", and a box will appear. Click onto translate, and all is self explanatory. There are 64 languages to choose from.
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