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Wigan in Bloom
Wigan in Bloom
Photo: fred foster
Views: 2,834
Item #: 16997
Taken from the top of the steps near the cafe, what a magnificent display!!

Comment by: janet on 5th February 2011 at 19:11

Lovely lovely photo of when the Park was something to be proud of... Has anyone noticed that all the people are on the footpaths and not running all over the grass and flower beds the way they do today...

Comment by: Helen on 5th February 2011 at 20:42

Yes, what a wonderful display. I think it was over to the left of the path on the pic that I remember rolling decorated hard boiled eggs down a grassy slope.

Comment by: Alan on 6th February 2011 at 10:32

i think i remember little signs saying keep off the grass placed alongside the main path from the main gates to the cafe steps many years ago. i was in the park last summer to take some pics for a friend who now lives in australia and the flower displays these days are certainly not like they use to be!

Comment by: horace on 6th February 2011 at 12:06

When you walk through the park these days its not just the kids who are playing football on the grass, its the adults. Likewise the middle aged women who walk their dogs on the grass and wait while they foul everywhere and then just stroll on. How do we expect kids to understand that the grass and flower beds are there for everyone to enjoy when ignorant clowns like that think they can get away withit ?.

Comment by: Walter on 6th February 2011 at 12:56

Janet,take a closer look, there's a couple of adults sat in deck chairs on the grass. It's all their fault lol

Comment by: janet on 6th February 2011 at 14:41

Walter, I did notice that shortly after I posted, at least they are sat quietly at the edge and not running all over the place... :-)
Horace you are right, the adults are teaching the children all the wrong things,( before anyone jumps all over me,,,I will say there are some very decent people out there, unfortunately, it seems they are in the minority) don't know how many generations ago it all started....but there is a lack of respect and everybody suffers because of it..

Comment by: fred foster on 6th February 2011 at 14:55

does anyone remember the display by the main gates that read "Britain's bread hangs by Lancashire's thread"?

Comment by: Duncan on 7th February 2011 at 10:58

Going to the park was a real treat at one time, nobody would have dared to walk on the grass!

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