Wigan Album
Wigan RLFC Challenge Cup Winners
12 CommentsPhoto: John Gostelow
Item #: 32617
An unforgettable evening for you, John.
Great photo John. You must have quite a collection of autographs, ... one of special significance, perhaps?
Spotted the cup but five minutes ago John. Any way, who's the chap sat in-between Boston and McTigue?
Frank Collier is the one sitting between Boston and McTigue. I used to have all their autographs but in between house moves they have disappeared.
Phil,Looks like Frank Collier.
Philip, he's a lad I used to work with, Frank Collier, I wouldn't say 'work' exactly, we 'went'.
Looks like Frank Collier to me.
My thanks to learned friends John, Tom, Roy and Ken. I say! John, this missing autograph business will never do; my Voll and Prinsloo's had flown as well - mam and dad got me those at a dancing Do in St Helens. That of Roy Evans is another long gone (to say nothing of Mortensen's) - my brother got me that one from the man himself, as he delivered a bag of coal to our house. Not long ago, I'd told the tale to a couple of friends who then thought it unusual that a butcher should be seen delivering a bag of coal. I hadn't been there when Roy obliged, but I do recall him, on another occasion, standing beside a coal wagon as looked-in on our Billingesque game of rugby. However, I still have my Austin Rhodes, Dorothy Hyman, 'Pop Gaskell, ... . Now where the Dickens is Maradona, theses days, I wonder. That reminds me, I could have some disappointing news for old friend Ron Hunt: Cannavaro says Diego was head and shoulders above Messi.
Behaving better than the teams of recent years - they’d all be up King Street powdering their noses!!
Yes, Merlin, and how their lovelies sometimes sizzle in a pan of daft pretence - they just don't smoulder. Anyway, I'm out of here before John has a fit.
I delivered newspapers around this time to the McTigues in Wigan Lower Road, near john Pit. As they had no letter box or it wouldn't fit i knocked on the door and Mrs McTigue answered and as it was Xmas she gave me 10 bob note, as i recall? Brian came to door and thought it was a bit too much which it was,but she talked him round and made my day. Lovely couple.
Great photo John. It looks like the Town Clerk of Wigan in those days on the photo-Allan Royle-how did he get an invite?
I seem to remember going with you to the Final v Saints a couple of years later-But no celebration Dinner-Saints won!