Wigan Album
st pats bowls
16 CommentsPhoto: frank clossick
Item #: 31980
The man In the pink pullover is Frank Johnson (RIP.) My friend Theresa's uncle, he lived around the corner from us in Vauxhall Rd.
Is that \martin Ryan in the middle of the front row?
Never played bowls but greatly enjoy watching it. What was that chaps name with the pipe? Born time of Ray Reardon in Snooker. Used to love his leg action as prepared to fire, not Ray that is..
yes that does look like martin Ryan I had many a drink with him in pear tree, the bowler with pipe was Brian Duncan used to love watching them all back in the day.
David Bryant's your man, XPat. I remember how he used coil himself, with one knee slightly raised, whenever he deemed a 'scuttling' shot as being best. And, just as Snooker's 'Reardon' had done, he played with relish and spoke with gravitas.
Father Sibert at the rear, I can also see James Whyte in the red and white and grey jumper and Frank Johnson. Other familiar faces who's names escape me now. Xpat, Ray Reardon once appeared at St Pat's club, he arrived early and couldn't get in and was taken home by Billy Woosey who lived across the road and got changed in his house.
How is your Rita, Frank?
Give her my regards
According to the amount of trophies, they must have been a contingent of very successful bowlers
Xpat. I think you are thinking of David Bryant who used to play with a pipe in his mouth. He was a champion flat green bowler who is 88 years young, was born in and still lives in Clevedon, Somerset about 6 miles from where we have lived for many years. The men in this photo almost certainly would have been crown green bowlers, which as all true Northerner know is the only real form of bowling.
The man's name is David Bryant.
David Bryant I think
Oh apologies folks, yes it certainly was David Bryant, so sorry.
Johnny Maye at the back of Martin Ryan, next to the priest.
A good bowler is John and he was a very good rugby player for St Pats. I was speaking to him a few weeks ago.
Theresa - your Frank looks fit and 'in the pink'. He was always very smart I remember. His shoes were always well polished and suit and tie at weekends going out with his mates. I think doing their National Service trained them well...xxx
which johnny are you? not seen rita for a while last time i did she was fine.