Wigan Album
South West Lancashire Cricket Presentation
10 CommentsPhoto: Ken Broxson
Item #: 18880
The man standing to the right of Viv Sixsmith as you look at the photo is John Hughes the talented Spring View batsman, although I don't know why he would be receiving a trophy at a junior presentation. If TTD (Trevor) see's the photo he might have the answer. Like Tony Jones I've been following your posting of late, keep up the good work.
John Hughes was the Junior Cricket coach for Spring View in the SWLCA in the late 70's, Neil Hughes his son is at the front with his arm's folded and played in the Junior's at Spring View.
I do not know Brian. They may have asked him to present the prizes.If so they could not have asked anyone better.
3rd from right is me (tommy calland) - the finest left arm over the wicket bowler in wigan
After further conversations with ex Spring Viewers, we think the boy on the extreme left of the photo looking at it with the striped top on is probably Ian Abernethy or Geoff Abernethy, John Abernethy's son.Next to him we think could be Gary Astle from Spring View.We have asked John Hughes about the photo, but he can't readily recall the event.
I think third from left on front row with grey v neck jumper is graham marston of golbourne
Dave Topping,John Speakman and John Kettle are the 3 lads stood behind Andrew Harrison,i went to marus bridge middle school with them.
Yes thats my dad at the back,Viv Sixsmith, he was probably the vice chairman of the swlca in those days. still going strong as well, 80 this year n still loves to go watch golborne play cricket. but that aint graham marston in the pic
yes its October 1977 the under 13s prize presentation im on the extreme right with my head in shot. Remember Tommy Calland playing for Norley that year