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Wigan Speedway
Speedway programme Laurel & Hardy 4
Views: 2,678
Item #: 16598
Item #: 16598
Programme for the meeting held on September 30th 1947 NORTH v THE REST. When Laurel and Hardy were there.
Comment by: RON HUNT on 29th December 2010 at 17:23
Oooops should read September 13th
Comment by: Mick P on 29th December 2010 at 17:46
"Well I couldn't help it, I was dreaming I was awake. And then I woke up and found myself asleep."
* A sleepy Stan defends himself against why he fell asleep.
Stan Laurel
Laurel and Hardy should have appeared the week before they actually did but when they did turn up it meant two full houses instead of one. A good old show biz trick.
As a school boy I sold programmes and had programme number one for the first meeting but alas it went West a long time ago.
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