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Wigan Speedway


Speedway programme Laurel & Hardy 4
Speedway programme Laurel & Hardy 4
Views: 2,678
Item #: 16598
Programme for the meeting held on September 30th 1947 NORTH v THE REST. When Laurel and Hardy were there.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 29th December 2010 at 17:23

Oooops should read September 13th

Comment by: Mick P on 29th December 2010 at 17:46

"Well I couldn't help it, I was dreaming I was awake. And then I woke up and found myself asleep."

* A sleepy Stan defends himself against why he fell asleep.
Stan Laurel

Comment by: stan on 8th February 2021 at 08:08

Laurel and Hardy should have appeared the week before they actually did but when they did turn up it meant two full houses instead of one. A good old show biz trick.
As a school boy I sold programmes and had programme number one for the first meeting but alas it went West a long time ago.

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