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Aspull RUFC


Aspull RUFC 1975
Aspull RUFC 1975
Photo: John Clarke
Views: 10,211
Item #: 15079
photo taken before Lancashire cup quarter final at Edge Hall Road, Orrell 1975

Comment by: Julie Edge on 18th June 2010 at 12:02

back row - second left Brian 'Giant' Fairhust RIP

Comment by: Bob Booth on 18th June 2010 at 12:05

quite a few BT men on there! Kev Connolly, Paul 'Olly', Malc Fairhurst, Jim Marsh, Mick Halliwell

Comment by: dave cockrell on 18th June 2010 at 12:19

freddie moss and malc holland haven't got any prettier with age !

Comment by: broady on 18th June 2010 at 13:30

Were Aspull Wigan Unionists in the past?

Comment by: Bob Booth on 18th June 2010 at 14:04

yes Aspull were Wigan Unionsists previously - played on Little Lane I recollect - this photo would be in their first season as Aspull - also noticed Norman Swift on that photo 'Swifty'!

Comment by: john Clarke on 18th June 2010 at 15:32

Who is using my name to post pictures on here , use your own !!
Jimmy Marsh was a gullicks man not BT.

Comment by: James on 18th June 2010 at 17:30

My uncle Syd Myers played for Wigan Unionist in the 1950's. I was also told my Dad Bob Myers played sometimes too.

Comment by: dave johnson on 18th June 2010 at 18:09

Norman Swift is second from the right, Kneeling.

Comment by: Nobby Clarke on 18th June 2010 at 22:46

back left - Alan Thorpe

Comment by: john j clarke on 19th June 2010 at 06:36

player with ball - Terry Hamilton

Comment by: Alan Waters on 21st June 2010 at 17:52

There are 3 Gullick lads, myself(back row 6th from left) , Terry Hamilton & Jimmy Marsh (backrow 7th from left)

Comment by: scholes malc on 14th July 2010 at 22:43

Dave Collier 4th from left ,back row

Comment by: swifty on 5th August 2010 at 16:06

kev connelly john hilton kneeling

Comment by: Malc Holland on 28th December 2010 at 22:25

Alan Thorpe RIP 27th December 2010 at home
Farwell Alan - may God welcome you with open arms

Comment by: Carol Ann Flanagan on 31st December 2010 at 21:31

Alan Thorpe was in ill health for the last ten years or so - but his sense of humour never left him, he is survived by his ever loving mother Margaret, wife & soul mate Julie, & his 2 fantastic children Cheryl and Chris whoare a credit to him. Remember your happy days Alan & look down on your family cos you were a true character, RIP in heaven Alan, night night. XXXX

Comment by: Malc Holland on 2nd January 2011 at 15:20

Alan played for the club in the late 70s and early 80s. He was an exceptionally classy centre whose ball handling skills and pace made him a player to admire and a privilege to play alongside. Alan could and should have gone a lot further in the game; but as he would be the first to admit, he tended to choose a good night out in the Ball and Boot instead of training! Nowt wrong with that pal!
On and off the field Alan always had a smile on his face which echoed his outlook on life. I have visions of him sidestepping St. Peter as he made his way to heaven because that’s where his place is so rightly deserved. He’s no doubt up there now picking the team with Giant & Stotty!
Funeral arrangements to be announced shortly and will be published on the Aspull club web-site
Deepest condolences on behalf of his former team mates to his loving wife Julie, & his two children Cheryl and Chris.
Farewell Mate it was a honour and privilege to count you as a friend both on and off the field.

Comment by: Carol Ann Flanagan (Nee Lee) on 3rd January 2011 at 00:25

I have known Julie Thorpe since I was 5 years old at St Pat's Infant & Junior School, We both passed our eleven plus and Julie went to the Convent & I went to the Girl's High School, the Convent closed & Julie then went to Fisher,the Girl's High School,became Comprehensive & then it was Whitley. Julie & I remained friends throughout our teenage years & I was with her when she met alan - wow - she was dumbstruck - & they hit it off like a house on fire!! They were made for each other and they had some good laughs, They had their kids Cheryl & Christopher - and they are an absolute credit to them both- they have been outstanding over the last few days - supporting their mum and grandma - Just hope it is some consolation to the family that Alan was so fondly thought of - even though he was out of the limelight these past years - every one always remembered him fondly and with much love, Julie & family we feel your loss - but we will always remember Alan with laughter and love - because he was indeed a character, he loved life, he loved his music - and he loved "your Tunes" Smooth Radio eat your heart out!! Julie, Cheryl & Chris, this is going to be so hard for you, but you have to take comfort in how high Alan was held in such high esteem and he willl not be forgotten, Alan was a true Gent, he suffered in silence for many years and never once complained - he lived for Julie & his children - he idolised his kids - and they are coming up trumps now for their mum Julie - Alan night, night sleep tight my love - you will not be forgotten. XXXXXX Carol, Garry & Family.

Comment by: Brian Santus on 3rd January 2011 at 16:32

Although I didn't often play in the same team as Alan at Aspull, I always remember him as an exceptional, classy player on the field, and a gentleman off it. I hope that it will be of some comfort to Alans family that he was so well thought of by so many people.

Comment by: Alan Stott on 4th January 2011 at 20:18

Very sorry to hear about the passing of Alan. He was a genuine person and the life and soul of any party. I send my condolences to his family. He is a great loss to all of his many, many friends.

Comment by: Malc Holland on 6th January 2011 at 19:18

The funeral of Alan Thorpe will take place at 11am on Saturday the 15th of January at St. Patrick’s RC church in Hardybutts, Scholes, followed by committal at Ince Crematorium.
The family invite his former colleagues and friends to join them afterwards at St. Patrick’s Church Club on Wellington Street,whilst we pay tribute to our dear departed colleague.

Comment by: Carol Ann Flanagn (Nee Lee) on 9th January 2011 at 19:08

Re Malc's note previously, the Crematorium is in Charnock Richard - as Ince isn't open on a Saturday - Julie and family appreciate that not everyone will be able to go to the Crem, especially if they want to celebrate Alan's life with a drink or two so won't want to drive, conequently St Pat's Catolic Club will be open from 12 lunh time and so Julie and the family asks that former friends please go and have a drink before the funeral party returns from the Crem.

Comment by: Allan Gregory ree Jonesy on 10th January 2011 at 12:26

Sorry to hear about alan,played centre with him for a few seasons. Deepest sympathy to his wife and family

Comment by: Keith Rawlinson on 14th January 2011 at 11:09

Fond memories of this team and Alan, as a youngster just starting at Aspull, condolences to his family.

Comment by: Freddie Moss on 17th January 2011 at 12:51

Nothing more to add,RIP Thorpy - a very classy centre with a vicious side step - gone but not forgotten - some good memories.

Comment by: petal on 6th December 2011 at 21:46

what a team, we sure give orrell a fight that day.

Comment by: Jeff Slevin on 30th December 2012 at 17:24

I watched this match to a man they gave their all. I went to Aspull RUFC recently as usual the welcome was heart warming. I was sad to hear the demise of some great players gone but not forgotton RIP.

Comment by: Jeff Slevin on 1st April 2013 at 12:26

Great to see John, Dave, Freddy, Norman and Malcolm at the reunion. I think a great day was had by all. Good food and good company.

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