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St Mary's Football Team, Ince

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Laithwaite Shield winners 1936-37
Laithwaite Shield winners 1936-37
Photo: Rev David Long
Views: 2,335
Item #: 11973
St Mary's Ince Football Team, in the Wigan & District Sunday Schools' Amateur Association Football League.
Olive Hart (nee Spencer) has not only provided the photograph, but has also supplied the full names of almost all the players and officials: Left-right, Front: Dick Jones, BJ Thompson, Harry Hart (Olive’s husband) John Hughes, Jess Barnes; Centre: Mr Parker, Mr Harris, Charlie Lyon, Harry Gregory, Harry Holmes, Mr Thompson, Mr W Allen; Back: Jim Wilcock, Jack Seddon,
? Harris, ? Green, ?, Mr Tomlinson, Jim Ashurst.
The Laithwaite Shield is still awarded each year. In 1968-69 the 'Sunday Schools' was dropped from the League's title.

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