Wigan Album
Springfield ARLFC
16 CommentsPhoto: Jem Glover
Item #: 10916
L to R back row Wilf and John Macdonald Baz Green John Warterworth me John Green Stey Moyland Joe Tindall Sykesy ? Ramsdale France Farrell Joe OLoughlin Kev Farrell Jimmy Sedon Derek Smith Alex Sweeney and Gerry Macdonald on the end
I know the lads Joe OLoughlin and Joe Tindall not seen them since school I think!
Probably know some of the others too but my memory is on the blink at the moment ;-)
Was it Dennis Ramsdale?
Warty must have put all that hair,under is jersey the size of is gut
i wish warty played rugby like he can now eat pies
seen him eat three pies in a minute. dave westhead is his brother in law he's had to put a lock on the fridge in case he comes round
were we the first springfield team? Ino we were the best no matter what Joe Pengy thinks.answers on a postcard
Westhead fridge would be empty,as he is to tight to buy anything
that wasn't my comment David.prob choice of two suspects,one twangs in a group and one lives in a lorry
I,am getting a 4 week tour of Australia together,and looking for people to join me and Dave Westhead
another comment not made by myself,i would'nt go to the illuminations with wessy
Thornley told me you was best buddies with Westy. He said you go away 2 or 3 times a year, and Westy pays
Listen Red Rum. I've been to Australia with Westhead and that other tight git Mossy. Never again. Ones obsessed with cuckoo and grandfather clocks and the other ones obsessed with his tacograph. None of um will go to the bar either. Both of em are tighter than Jeff "fivebellies" Barker.
I got told you go to Spain In your appartment with him, and you go on the rugby tours with him. Thorley said you are best buddies, and Mossy said he wouldn't toss a pigeon up with you and him.He said, he would sooner do a fortnight in Strangeways, than a week in Spain with you two
Best team for dodgy hairstyles except for Michael Myers holding the ballZ5t28