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Wigan Album

Sutton family


Tommy Sutton
Tommy Sutton
Photo: Shirley Touhey (nee Sutton)
Views: 2,833
Item #: 9529
My Dad, Thomas (Tommy) Sutton, shortly after enlisting. He went off to war and was later captured. He was a POW for 2 years.

Comment by: John Davies on 25th February 2009 at 11:54

This is a wonderful picture of Uncle Tommy. He was a good looking lad, as all us Suttons are.

Comment by: Mark Calter on 25th February 2009 at 14:50

You can see june here she's her dad's double
Its a good un this
cousin Mark

Comment by: Shirley Touhey on 25th February 2009 at 16:46

Thanks John & Mark, Good to hear from my cousins from both sides of the family. Love to you all. Shirley

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