Wigan Album
John McDermott
21 CommentsPhoto: Joseph
Item #: 7574
His son taught me English at John Rigby also John I think.
What a great photo, memories of singing the mass in Latin on St. Patrick's day come flooding back. I wonder which pub that was.
A remarkable man. He used to spend a lot of time in the Griffin in the '70s and early '80s, when John O'Neill kept it.
He was the most strict yet nicest headmaster ever xxx
Could this be The Vulcan in between St Pats girls school and St. Pats church.
Don't think it can be The Vulcan Joan.
This pub has 'Scampi Fries' for sale behind the bar. They only came out in the mid 1980s, after The Vulcan was demolished.
Gosh what an eyesight you have mick x
Mick, can you remember the last people to have the Vulcan. xx
Was it Parkers I seem to remember a Veronica Parker in the back of my mind
Sorry Joan, can't help you re the licensees of the Vulcan. I regularly worked in the Scholes area, but it had already been demolished when I first went up there in the mid 1970s.
I think it was the Parkers. I remember the young lad David, he used to play out with us.
Mick, could you please let me know the time you put that last comment on regarding the vulcan, I think someone is using my name on here, So if you can just let me know the time I can check it out regards.
Joan - sent you a message via your email link re this.
Mick, sorry I wont be able to receive your e mail because you are not on my contact list, not sure how to rectify that
Joan - As far as I can remember, I posted the remark you ask about some time between 11am and noon today (Sunday).
If you think someone is using your name to post, perhaps our moderators could check the IP addresses for you.
What a remarkable man he was,don't think there'll ever be a headmaster as good as he was,it was a pleasure to be taught by him
the photo was taken in griffin was my mums brother
If ever I think of Mr McDermott I remember the routine at 10 o'clock mass when all the kids had to sit at the front boys to the right girls on the left, and as we left one row at a time he's say, "Stand, Kneel Altar Boys stay behind".
A scary man to little kids eyes - but a real softie on the side.
A great man last talked to him in the Brocket in 1993 , I was in his sons class at St Pats. A great rugby league man God bless him .
THE pub looks like the royal oak up from the griffin
The pub is the White Horse which is now named Hartleys in Standishgate he drank with John Clayton English teacher at St Pats then St John Fisher in the early sixties also the landlady at the Vulcan pub was Mrs Hawkins at that time