Wigan Album
Aspey family
Photo: Bob Aspey
Item #: 4626
I was very interested in this photograph of some of my excolleagues taken at the front of the Wigan Corporation Bus depot at Melverley Street.
I served my apprentiseship from the summer of 1954 as a fitter, along with fellow apprentices:-
Terry Livesey,Tommy Varley,Raymond Hilton,Alan Farrimond and Dicky Smart.
Terry Liveseys dad,Tommy,who worked on the trams and petrol buses in the old days,used to drive the overhaul bus on saturdays.This was the vehicle that had undertaken complete overhaul,which used to take one week.He drove it on Saturday to nurse it in the initial running in period.
Anyway I am digressing, back to the photograph.
I can put some names to the people in your photograph.
BACK ROW from left to right:-
Frank Meadows-Bodyshop Foreman.
Fred Gerrard-Fitter
Harold Sharples-Fitter.
Next one can't identify
Arthur Worley-Fitting shop.
Clifford Higgingbottom-Fitting shop foreman.
Sammy Gerrard (Fred's Brother)-Fitter/Shopsteward.
Harry Hesford-Bodybuilder.
Albert Harrison-Coach Painter.
Next one next to Cliff can't remember,but was a bodybuilder.
The first four I don't know.
The fifth is Frank Dickinson-Bodybuilder.
The Bus is a Leyland PD3 semi-auto box.Bodywork by Massey Brothers from the top of Enfield Street Pemberton.
I hope this information is of interest.I would love to get in touch with anybody associated with the Depot I can be contacted on johnanthony.johnson@virgin.net
The good looking one with the long black hair on the left handside front row sat down is David Darbyshire I previously
work at Horwich Loco where the 3rd person from the left holdin the cup with his left hand worked but his name I cannot remember. Anyway hope this helps you John I only worked there for around 12 months but I can remember one or two of the names you have put forward I hope you have more response from your comment because I have always wondered myself where everyone is now? By the way that long black hair has disappeared years ago along with the good looks!!! Regards David Darbyshire
Update on this photo.
Back Row on Cliff's right:-
Ken Wass Bodybuilder.
Middle Row starting with the fourth from left:-
Norman Owen Bodybuilder.
Cliff A.
Peter Wally Sheetmetal.(originally Arther Worley this was incorrect sorry.)
John Stonehouse Blacksmith.
Stan Geary Trimmer.
? Cleaner.
Front Row from left to right:-
David Darbyshire painter.
Bob Higham Painter.
Peter Smith Painter
Harry Esford jnr.Painter.
Well done John in filling the other 3 painters in on the front row P Smith is the one I could not remember who used to work at Horwich Loco. Has any others on the picture contacted you?
David. you are the only one to make contact.Living in hope!
Did Cliff Aspey have a brother named Peter Aspey? Mother Mary Jane Aspey nee Gore and father John Aspey??
Hi JL....No, my father Cliff had a brother named Wilfred and his father was Robert.....sorry !
Please note a change of e-mail address:-
From johnanthony.johnson@virgin.net to jajohnson53@gmail.com