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Farrimond family


Reginald Farrimond Retired from JJB 1971 ( aged 71)
Reginald Farrimond Retired from JJB 1971 ( aged 71)
Photo: Kay Robinson
Views: 687
Item #: 35051
This picture was taken when my Grandfather retired from JJB sports in 1971- He is in the centre of the picture, I am curious to know who the other two gentlemen are.

Comment by: wigman31 on 8th April 2024 at 20:59

on the left is Jonny Bradburn owner and ex Geography master at WGS who on retiring bought JJ Broughton's in Market Street

Comment by: Kay Robinson on 9th April 2024 at 14:45

That is great to have confirmation, he looks like Hughie Green ( do you think) which makes no sense!!! I have been trawling through images to find a picture of Jonny. Thanks

Comment by: wigman31 on 10th April 2024 at 08:29

JJB sports were just established in '71 Dave Whelan aquiring the original single shop in Market St which was JJ Bradburn then. At the same time Bradburn camping was well underway at Abbey Lakes as aseparate business. It could well be that your grandfather's long service was initially with JJ Broughton and his retirement was at the same time as the take over..

Comment by: Kay Robinson on 10th April 2024 at 17:40

yes that does make sense he worked there from the age of 13 so it would have been JJ Broughton originally. I remember going to the shop when it supplied the fishing supplies and saw the famous maggots kept in the Fridge downstairs- story goes the Fridge was switched off by the new ownership and they all hatched into blue bottles.

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