Wigan Album
Connor family
Photo: susan mayers
Item #: 33481
Is this Theresa and your mums parents Susan?
I never knew Mr Connor as Paddy.
My father always referred to him as Phil Connor.
Lovely family who lived next to St Williams church and school.
Yes Edna it is my mums parents. Hi Bill his name was Micheal Philip but I think the name Paddy came from his Irish roots
Susan Mayers, thank you for your explanation.
Tommy Connor was in my class at St Bills.
I can see Theresa in your Grandma Connor. I know Theresa's daughter Lynn, very well too.
My mum (Lynn Shirley) was related to Paddy. Teresa was my Nanna.
Lynn Shirley
Yvonne Shirley
Ray Shirley (Shem)
This picture of my grandma and grandad was taken at my parents wedding on the 1st of November 1958.my mum and dad are Ethel and Tony Connor. They were my dad's parents.