Wigan Album
Item #: 33055
I love these Harry Walder paintings Ron, thanks for photo."The little Arcade brings lots of memories.Gorners cafe,were we used to go for dinner.Syd Smiths news and book stall, were I used to get "The Shooting Times" magazine for my husband, because the Game Fair would be in it.Syd Smith also sold Harry's paintings when he moved to his shop in Mesnes St.
Reminds me of the time when working for the council that I unbeknown called at the house of Harry Walder on Darlington Street East, though I can't remember what for now, anyhow he showed me how he'd converted the outside toilet in the yard to an artists studio where he did the paintings, and remember him saying that the Smith's had all the original oil paintings and they also held the rights to them and they only sold framed prints of the originals at their shop.
Wonder if the originals did come onto the market would they would bring the auction buzz and amazing prices that the paintings of Theodore Major and Jim Isherwood bring, I reckon plenty folks would put in their bids and that the art fakers would be busy for some time illegally selling to the unaware on eBay and suchlike.
I have a few small prints that I bought from Smiths. There's a naivety about them but the perspective is spot on.
Wiganers only love these paintings which look like they have been done by a school kids because they recognize the places on them.
I don't feel like they are done by schoolkids, Mick. I feel I could walk into that photo and down to Gorner's cafe. Major and Isherwood were the childish daubers in my view......what a load of tripe they produced!....but pretentious people like to tell the rest of us that we "don't understand art"! And please don't tell me how much they sell for to people with more money than sense who just like to tell their friend they "own an Isherwood" And you have hit the nail right on the head with your comment ....We Wiganers DO like to recognise what we are looking at. Personally, I like a painting that I can look at without having to ask someone if I am holding it the right way up. This is not personal Mick....I absolutely LOVE the photo you have put on p-a-d today and I have made that clear, but if I disagree with something I will say so. I think you and I understand each other by now!
He was a talented artist Mick, this was just his style of art that represented everyday life around town, I think he captured the scenes wonderfully.
Those bidding sites like eBay are awash with fake paintings supposedly done by Lowry, Major or Isherwood, and sellers always tell of them being found in long abandoned sheds; or tucked away in lofts or basements when houses are being cleared out, so beware!
If you want genuine artwork from local artists then have a look here: https://www.clark-art.co.uk/
I suppose Mick would call Lowry's paintings childish daubs as well. I think the artist Harry Walder was very talented. He has his own inimitable style. It takes skill to paint in that way.
Someone is selling on eBay the left over stock of Harry Walder scenes of around town from when Smiths closed, doesn't say who they are but live locally as you can collect and they'll trim the prints to fit a 12 x 16 inch frame of your own. If anyone is interested link is below, look at sellers other items for sale to see the other scenes.
Yes Mick would call Lowry's paintings childish daubs as well.
Irene if Harry would have painted scenes of London would you still be going mad over his paintings.
Answer YES or NO
NO. I don't "go mad " over ANY paintings. Mick, not even The Mona Lisa. I am naturally interested in paintings of Wigan, places like The Old Arcade, because they are places I know and they take me back to my childhood. But I have seen Isherwood's paintings of Wigan and they are daubs, and I have seen Isherwood's paintings of London and they are also daubs. My daughter-in-law is from London and she has many pictures of London because they are of her home town. If Harry had painted them I'm sure she would love them because of that reason and because she would recognise the places and because she would know she was holding them the right way up.
Remember the episode of One Foot In The Grave, Victor thinks he's found the perfect birthday present for modern-art lover Patrick in what he thinks is a discarded painting; unfortunately it's the floor of the artist's bird-house, covered in bird-droppings.
Isherwood's Scholes painting looks to be daubed in treacle, it caused a right uproar at the time too when posted, https://www.wiganworld.co.uk/album/photo.php?opt=8&id=18087&gallery=Isherwood+Paintings&page=1
I know some folks are mad on them, but I can't see why though.
I could never stand looking at Isherwood's paintings that he did of Scholes and Wigan, but he also did some Mediterranean /Monet style paintings and they were really lovely . I couldn't believe it when I saw them. If you look on Google for his paintings it shows the other style of painting he did. You would not have thought it was the same artist.
You have just prove it Irene, like I said a few posts back Wiganers only love these paintings because they recognize the places on them.
I give up, Mick, I really do! Yes, I DO like Harry's paintings of Wigan because he paints my memories. I would also like Harry's paintings if they were set in The Cotswolds or Ireland or London because they show real people going about their daily business and the people are recognisable as people, but I would only BUY the Wigan ones because they are of my home town and therefore of interest to me. The other places are NOT. Isherwood's blobs with two heads or three arms and Theodore Major's frankly FRIGHTENING characters would never get through my door. They would give me nightmares. Veronica, Peter and I have been to Eden Camp second world war museum in Yorkshire a few times and there is a portrait of a soldier which I was amazed to see is an Isherwood. It is of a perfectly ordinary looking man and is a good painting. Why he had to go off into pictures that look like they have been done by a three-year-old when he was capable of the "normal" painting of a soldier is beyond me!
Some people like paintings of all kinds and some like photos of kids jumping in the canal. Isn't that right Mick?
Just ignore him Irene - you won't get anywhere.. it's futile trying. We all please ourselves at the end of the day. Harry's paintings of Wigan have brought so much pleasure to people over the years it's a credit to him. Plus those paintings will always be out there.
Yes Irene as I was saying you like them because they are of a place you remember, but is artist talent isn't very good and the figures he paints are out of scale to the buildings and vehicles
I knew Theodore Major when I used to knock around with his daughter and her friend, but I also never liked his paintings, in fact like you say he was rubbish but I believe Geoffrey Shryhane like them.
If you like a painting that’s all that matters. A painting should capture the essence of a place. These do. I don’t think the artist’s work needs to be analysed.
I don’t think any more needs to be said.
If you like a painting that’s all that matters. A painting should capture the essence of a place. These do. I don’t think the artist’s work needs to be analysed.
I don’t think any more needs to be said.