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The Two Olwyns dancers 1950

1 Comment

The Two Olwyns
The Two Olwyns
Photo: Peter Walsh
Views: 3,530
Item #: 31510
Dancing in cabaret at the Moss dance school in the 50,s. My wife Alwyn Walsh nee Turner and Olwyn Pearson,

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 19th September 2019 at 07:32

This photo brings back memories. I used to go to tap dancing classes on a Saturday morning at Mosses in the late 1940s, it was upstairs in a building opposite the old bus station.
I loved my red tap shoes, bought in a little arcade off Menses Street.
I remember we learnt a routine to a song of the times...Roll a Silver Dollar down upon the on the Ground....

Thanks for the memory Peter !

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