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John (Jack) Pye
John (Jack) Pye
Photo: Leigh Robert Abbott
Views: 3,999
Item #: 30700
John Pye. Peeping over the back of his head is his wife Frances Pye. Photo is probably early 1950s

Comment by: Poet on 16th August 2018 at 07:56

A charming picture full of personality and character.
Was Frances a pioneer of 'photo bombing' ?

Comment by: Veronica on 16th August 2018 at 08:47

That's quite a treasure trove of your ancestors Leigh you are lucky. Frances is probably tapping on the window telling Jack his dinner's ready. I wonder what they're having as it's probably Sunday and Jack is wearing his best suit .....'summat' good I'll bet!

Comment by: DTease on 16th August 2018 at 09:06

I’ll bet Frances made him put his suit and tie on specially to have his photo taken.
My grandad wore a waistcoat complete with “Albert” for his Pocket Watch on special occasions.

Comment by: Poet on 16th August 2018 at 22:25


A rich sweet smell of paraffin
Fused with the fume of tobacco tins
Long since emptied of Ready Rubbed
A disused mangle and dolly tub
Now filled with washers,screws and rivets.
A pair of shears for doing the privets
Hung on nails upon the wall
With obsolete tools like spoke shaves and awls
Chalkboard and chisels, plumb bobs and string
Jubilee clips putty and ring spanners
Varnish and brushes and spider's webs
Festooning the shelves in grandfather's shed.

Comment by: Stephen Athony Chadwick on 21st October 2018 at 21:43

Frances was my gran Nanny Pye

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