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A summer's day in Mesnes Park.


Lambert Southern  New Springs
Lambert Southern New Springs
Photo: walt (north Yorks)
Views: 2,241
Item #: 29416
My granddad Lambert Southern 1879 - 1949. Lambert lived in Greens Yard and later in Vigo Street New Springs. Lambert had four children that survived a further three including my dads twin sister died when just young babies, not uncommon in the early 1900s. Grandad was originally from Westhoughton but moved to Aspull when he married my Grandma.

Comment by: Ken on 7th June 2017 at 08:31

Did your granddad heve Flemish connections as Lambert is a flemish name and a lot of flemish people came to work in Westhoughton in the silk industrie. Where I live on the Belgium border there are a lot of Lambert`s.

Comment by: walt (north Yorks) on 7th June 2017 at 10:32

Ken, you are spot on, Granddads dad was Kalick Kay he late changed his name to Caleb Kay, yes they did come from Northern Europe I presume in the early 1800s and yes there was a silk connection, Well Done !

Comment by: Ken on 7th June 2017 at 15:46

His mother Elizabeth Southern had been a bit naughty

Comment by: Veronica on 7th June 2017 at 19:07

JohnChadwick's silk mill was situated on Church St. From 1826 silk weaving was a major occupation in Westhoughton. The mill was acquired by James Wigglesworth from 1915 for pharmaceuticals - and known as the 'pill works'. The building was demolished in1983 for housing. I remember it well.

Comment by: Jarvo on 11th June 2017 at 11:20

Was this taken in the park, Walt? If not, what's the connection with it?

Comment by: walt (north Yorks) on 11th June 2017 at 12:10

Jarvo, no nowt to do with park it was a silly mistake on my part, I've asked the powers that be to move it to the correct category, Cheers!.

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