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Weighing Machine (Jockey Scales) Market Arcade 1950's.
Weighing Machine (Jockey Scales) Market Arcade 1950's.
Views: 3,418
Item #: 28051
This painting may already be on the web site but I've put the collection of Paintings by Harry Walder into one folder.

Comment by: Albert. on 23rd June 2016 at 13:50

Ron. I remember the one at the top of the arcade. Was this an additional one, or did he move his location to the one shown?.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 23rd June 2016 at 14:30

Albert this is the only weighing scales I can remember I do remember that at one time he was located on the same side as Smiths Newsagents stall just lower down.

Comment by: DerekB on 23rd June 2016 at 14:53

His pitch to passers by was "Try your weight now, friends"

Comment by: blob on 23rd June 2016 at 15:47

I used to get weighed free, he was my mums dancing partner,70 years ago. lol.

Comment by: Irene roberts on 23rd June 2016 at 15:58

I only recall the scales where they are shown on this picture.

Comment by: Ken R on 23rd June 2016 at 20:26

I don't remember the stall in this location, it was on the opposite side below Smith's newsagents. For years.

Comment by: Eileen Thorpe (Radcliffe) on 23rd June 2016 at 22:53

My husband,John,recalls that the man who operated the weighing machine had a false hand,and he once saw him fasten his tie with just his one 'real'hand!!!!

Comment by: Eileen Thorpe (Radcliffe) on 23rd June 2016 at 23:00

My husband thinks the weighing machine man's name was Jack Rudd

Comment by: Bill on 24th June 2016 at 08:07

The weighing machine man was Bob Rudd and his weighing machine was on the same side as Smiths.His wife was Lily Rudd who was manager of one of the butchers on Ince Bar,and they lived in Anderton St in Ince

Comment by: Albert. on 24th June 2016 at 09:34

I,m sure I'm not loosing my marbles with my comment relating to the weighing machine. I was referring to sometime in the 1940s. If no one has any knowledge of this, then the defence rests. The other paintings depicting the Arcade, and Gorners, does not show any weighing machines?.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 24th June 2016 at 10:22

I think? originally the weighing machine was on the same side as Smith's Newsagents stall but when Sid Smith extended his stall he moved to the opposite side, as the painting shows.

Comment by: maureen on 24th June 2016 at 10:58

Eileen,I'd forgotten all about his false hand...I think my Mam got on his scales every time we went to Wigan town centre..it must have been during her PLJ time,when she always seemed to be slimming.

Comment by: DerekB on 24th June 2016 at 15:11

At one time there was also someone who operated personal weighing scales outside the Market Hall entrance opposite the bottom of the Makinson Arcade. I seem to remember that these were more elaborate and involved sitting in a chair suspended by chains at one side and weights being loaded onto another device suspended by chains on the other side. Anyone else recall this?

Comment by: Dave Thomas on 24th June 2016 at 20:31

Bill your right his wife Lily was manager of Dewhursts butcher on Ince Bar.

Comment by: Alan H on 26th June 2016 at 15:45

DerekB. You are right, the chair weighing machine was located between Cassinellis and Lewis's I cream kiosks. I remember it well.

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