Wigan Album
Thilwind family.
Photo: Brian Thilwind
Item #: 25852
As probably everyone on Wigan World knows by now, Peter and I attend 1940s events, and I would kill for those dresses and shoes! How lovely and feminine those ladies look compared to the sights you see in Wigan today!
As regards to location... it looks like a studio study, with the rather lovely lasses sat before a canvas back-drop.
A delightful photo of these 2 young women. As Irene comments...those clothes ! Irene, we are very lucky here in Sheringham. Last year a shop opened in the town & they sell 'real' 40's clothes & accessories for ladies..& gents. I always wonder where the owners still find all this stuff, the shop is like an Aladdin's Cave.
How wonderful, Helen. I'm jealous!
Hi Irene, do you feel a bit like Fred Dibnah, born in the wrong era? Read your comments on the other forums about attending 1940,s events. I identify with the 60s, so find it interesting how others hold onto a /their special era. Always loved the Teddy boys and girls for that ..once a teddy boy always a teddy boy, what an era that must have been to be part of.
Thanks for your comment, Tas. I was born in 1952 so I actually grew up, aged 8 to 18, in the sixties, and I agree it was a very special time and I loved that decade, but I have always had a feeling for the past. Peter and I only became interested in the forties a few years ago, although our living-room has always been like a museum!,(I love anything old-fashioned). I have come to love the forties fashions, hairstyles, music etc.etc. Perhaps because I grew up in the sixties, (mods, mini-skirts etc), I have actually already "done that", dressed like that and listened to that music, so it isn't new to me, but to wear FORTIES clothes is allowing me to be someone I never had the chance to be.....does that make sense? Like someone born in the eighties or nineties can have a chance to dress in 1960s clothes.....it would appeal to them because they didn't do it first time round. (I am making a pig's ear of this, but hope you get what I mean). Anyway, we love it!
Hi Irene, I think what you do is lovely and I for one salute you. It,s so easy in this fast modern world to feel if you don't follow you will be left behind. There was a style then but more importantly a dignity. You would never in a million years she a girl walking down the street with a dress so high you can see her washing. You go for it Irene!! I think it's wonderful what you and Peter do. Live in the era YOU want, not in the one society tells you to. I will never accept that the past was worse than the present. Somewhere along the line we lost the the self respect that those in the past had. Ps my mothers name was Irene..
Thankyou, Tas. I probably DID "show my washing" in the sixties! It was the fashion then, but you can do at 16 what you can no longer do at 62! Your tolerant viewpoint of "Do what you want, not what others expect of you" reflects your Mother's name, Irene, which, like mine, means "Peace".
like you irene i love those shoes and clothes ,what a lovely pic x