Wigan Album
Edwards FamilyJames and Gladys Platt Bridge
Photo: Gladys
Item #: 20871
hi gladys you would not beleve this but i worked next door in the co op on the breadvan with a women name bell but did not know edwards was next door cliff
I also worked on the coop bread van with Bell in the early 60s Jimmy Bates was the baker Edwards had a smaller bakehouse next door didnt know any of your family but the photos bring back a lot of happy memories
hi rolview is your name alex or jhon buytheway
Hi Cliff I worked there same time as John Bytheway on the bread van & liverpool Rd branch Roland Harter
hi rolview i worked on the breadvan from january april before i went to train in the coalmines 1960 john bytheway was great lad had lot of fun then bit older than me he was i think are you born a plattbridger cliff
hi cliff no im a spring viewer started work at spring view branch 1959 then moved to bread van then liverpool Rd branch
hi rolview my old mate come from spring view is name if i can spell it is yewy Hallgate not seen him for 50 years great lad did you know him cliff
Hi Cliff knew them well hughie Morris & all the family were did you come from
hi rolview i am a plattbridger but sent to rose bridg school ince my mate was billy coulton from ince who had something to do with hughie but me and hughie worked on the coal lorrys together in plattbridge when we were 14 years old cliff