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Abram Prescotts

1 Comment

Bernards Wedding
Bernards Wedding
Photo: Wendy Sumner
Views: 2,849
Item #: 11323
From L-R Leonard Prescott, ??, My grandma(Gertrude) with Ken Gee in front,Bernard Prescott, Mary Ann Watson, Edith Prescott, ??,??, my grandad(George), my dad(Harold), peeping between the bride and bridesmaid Bessie wife of Jim Prescott who you can just see along the side of her. Everyone else is mystery, if anybody can shed some light that would be great. Taken outside St Johns, Abram.

Comment by: StuartP on 11th April 2012 at 20:46

Wendy hope you dont mind, I have added the photo to our group for the Abramers to help you out.
Find us at facebook - Abram , hope it helps you. :-)

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