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Bryn Cross, 1980s.
Bryn Cross, 1980s.
Photo: Paul Green
Views: 6,535
Item #: 986
Bryn Cross, 1980s.

Comment by: linny on 25th September 2008 at 06:28

Great pics,i remember the shop well,Sam Greens,we used to book days out with him,i went to school with hi daughters

Comment by: Edna Harris (Hurst) on 19th July 2009 at 14:33

That's not Sam Greens.That is the butchers, you are coming to the lights from Downall Green Road. Sam Greens was across the road on Bryn Road.

Comment by: Joan Fox nee Morgan on 11th July 2010 at 16:04

This was Greenall's Butchers on the corner Barry was the grandson who was at school with me. Sam Green's was across the road on the opposite corner.

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