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Kitt Green


old Kitt Greeners
old Kitt Greeners
Photo: Tommy C
Views: 4,485
Item #: 9518
the wifes father on right. Ernest Ormesher,with his cousin on left. Richard Ormesher,with other Kitt Greeners

Comment by: jim baxter on 7th February 2010 at 20:26

My mother is 2nd from the left Margaret Baxter(Maggie) as she was known

Comment by: val on 28th August 2010 at 23:07

I'm sure my mum, margaret smallshaw, used to mention maggie baxter

Comment by: Jean on 23rd February 2011 at 15:30

I remember Maggie well, she used to scare the life out of me, I used to go to school at Lamberhead Green and run like lightening past her house. I don't know why - she was a very nice lady!

Comment by: jimperry on 7th October 2011 at 11:52

my granmother is the old lady stood up behand "uncle Ernie
Florence Topping, my mother Mary Perry has more or less the same photo, my grandmother and mother used to live on Whalley house farm where the new houses are at the end of Precott lane opposite Hienz the picture was taken at some ones birthday party at St Francis,s church hall

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