Wigan Album
Photo: Ron Hunt
Item #: 948
The bit of the house you can see near where the group of men are talking on the right, was always called the white house. In the forties Dr Levine had his evening surgery there,and you would take your prescription across the road in the middle of Gerard St to Timothy Whites and Taylors chemist, later merged with Boots Dr Levine also had a surgery at Downall Green in a house at the side of where the S&S club was.The white house later became Cromptons offices
Who remembers Billingtons toy shop on the next block, a triple fronted shop with 3 full sized windows full of toys. It must have been one of the biggest toy shops in the area.
My parents would take me to look in those windows a few weeks before Xmas, to get ideas of what I wanted Santa to bring. Remember, there was no Argos catalogue in those days.