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Wigan Road.
Wigan Road.
Photo: Ron Hunt
Views: 5,146
Item #: 947
Wigan Road, Ashton in Makerfield. Scanned from an old postcard.

Comment by: frank walford on 13th August 2008 at 11:17

the shop on the left was Hamptons i lived in the 6th house past the lamp post. the shop that is now the chemist, just past the car on the left was Cholmondelys.I'm talking about 1940 ish

Comment by: Darren on 9th December 2008 at 18:27

When I was a lad in the 70's the shop was called Potter's. Used to run down the backs from Morden Avenue repeating Thin Sliced Loaf in my head so I wouldn't forget:-)

Comment by: Karen W on 6th January 2009 at 17:50

I used to live in Pretoria Road which is a road off to the left just at the back of the photo where the trees are. I used to love to go into Cholmondleys as a child - they had great sweets. I too used to chant the shopping list on the way to Potters. The Potters were a really nice couple. Remember Mathers shop too which was opposite Cholmondleys later on - sold great pies and cakes.

Comment by: Darren on 6th January 2009 at 19:25

Hi Karen - I do indeed remember Mathers - always good for a shandy bass or lolly after playing football all afternoon in the park.

Did you know Vanessa Hodjkinson on Pretoria - she was in my class at Evans - I lived on Morden Ave between 1968 and 75

Comment by: Karen W on 9th January 2009 at 18:53

Hi Darren - what a surprise! - Vanessa is my sister - I was Karen Hodgkinson. I've left my email address above if you prefer to reply direct.

Comment by: Hughes the booze on 5th April 2009 at 13:11

I owned the shop on the left a few years ago and when I removed the old shop frontage I removed a sign that stated the shop was owned by Harry Potter.I remember him owning it.

Comment by: Debbie Gaynor on 7th June 2009 at 16:18

What wonderful memories of Ashton! Does anyone notice that in all these pictures there's no litter!! It makes me erally sad to see what we have lost and even more so to see what we,ve replaced it with.

Comment by: ArthurM on 3rd April 2011 at 23:19

The shop on the left was run by Arthur & Molly Potter. He was my uncle.

Comment by: Keith Roberts on 23rd February 2023 at 19:24

My Uncle and Auntie too. Their son John and his wife now live in France.

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