Wigan Album
Photo: Ron Hunt
Item #: 945
Liverpool Road was so picturesque what a shame it had to be spoiled!
just past the school on the right hand side was the pumping pit that stopped Stone's colliery from flooding on the left hand side was the back entrance to Lord Gerards estate.Martha Peter and Jack Heyes lived in the gatehouse
1st Ashton Lord Gerrard's Scout Troop had Scout Hut just beyond this building, and set back from the road. This is where I learned the skill of how to pitch a tent in the rain and dark, (well blindfolded) and then get into it with all my kit still dry. Came in extremely useful.
This school was run by nuns who where anything but angelic. They liked using the cane or pump for punishment.
Yes very picturesque. Too many cars, houses and also people for my liking now, which just spoils the look and character of these once lovely places. Ashton looked more like a small village you'd find in Wales or Yorkshire back than, with probably only a hundred or so people living there. Now the population feels more like a 50 thousand.