Wigan Album
Photo: Ron Hunt
Item #: 939
Looking South towards Ashton station.
Apart from the tram lines this looks hardly any different from the 1950's.
On the right is the entrance to Lord Gerrards Estate (New Hall). In the forties this was made into the Prisoner of War Camp for captured German & Italian prisoners. The brick and concrete huts were demolished in the early 60's to make way for the construction of Edmund Arrowsmith High School. Until then the overgrown camp was a great place for kids to play, although their parents might disagree!
Many of the P O W's remained in Ashton after the war, particularly the ones from East germany.
In the late forties / fifties the entrance on the left led to Cromptons recreation ground, incorporating a soccer pitch complete with clubhouse and grandstand. I spent many a Saturday afternoon watching ‘Cromptons Recs’ with my dad, a bottle of pop and a bag of crisps (one flavour was available, plain - with a little blue bag of salt).
The lodge house that is visible to the left of the photo, in what is now Park View, was occupied by the Drury family.