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Bickershaw Colliery


Bickershaw Colliery  (Plank Lane).
Bickershaw Colliery (Plank Lane).
Photo: Allan Greenwood
Views: 5,989
Item #: 8805
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Comment by: winder on 18th January 2009 at 19:28

Is this 1980s, Alan? No2 Pit has gone and the old boilerhouse.
You can see the new boiler chimney just to the left of the tall headgear which was No4 pit

Comment by: Allan Greenwood on 18th January 2009 at 19:44

I don't really know, but I would guess that it was no later than 1982.

Comment by: Danny Wright on 23rd February 2009 at 18:55

not really a comment, i am after some information and maps of the old colliery in correspondance to the houses that are here now. i live on common lane and was wanderin if the tunnels ran/run under here kind regards danny

Comment by: No 3 Pit Winder on 24th February 2009 at 15:26

New boiler plant at Bickershaw was built around 1980/1981
so this photo is certainly after this date.

Comment by: John jackson on 13th January 2010 at 03:36

danny...if your looking for tunnels under your house... there is whats known as The County Plan... it should have them marked on... I think a company called Wardell armstrong got them all they have an office in leigh... the old TSB bank on the avenue...thats where i would start cheers hope this helps

Comment by: jack winrow on 28th December 2010 at 14:03

must be later as i left in 1982 and number 2 was still standing

Comment by: jack winrow on 29th December 2010 at 10:26

sorry i got it wrong when i left in 1982 number 2 had been capped and headgear removed

Comment by: lorraine on 21st May 2011 at 15:36

did anyone know my dad tommy ratcliffe. who worked at bickershaw.

Comment by: Ann Vigrass on 27th February 2014 at 17:56

My grandfather William Prince was employed at bickershaw Collier Plank Lane between 1890 1911,when he returned to Stoke-on-Trent.Also is son James Prince born1896, before he joined world war1 age 17.Seaching for info, any would be appreciated.

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