Wigan Album
Photo: Livia
Item #: 8735
Remember this, used to live accross the road in Whittle Street.
used to be in the church most Sunday mornings & also when on parade with the BB mr Salmon was the vicar & Reg Lockett played the organ.remember the Charnocks,Duffies,Lowes,Grays,Andertons,Mayers,Rimmers,
Woosys, Basinets, Barkers, Shermans,Haseldens,Bridges, etc etc & games on the Rec & in the pens.
i was in the choir during 50s i remember mr Salmon ,& mr Johnstone,Reg &i think it was Harry Locket,Also Bob &tom Hurst(tenor & Bass)they used to put the fear of god into us young guys,But the real reason for most of us young guys being in the choir we all had a crush on Benda Fetrnley and June Bates 2 good looking choir girls(happy days)
i have this photo and think it looks nicer than the new church, but it was made of wood and had some fire damage, it was sad when it was pulled down
I was christened here in 1954, before leaving for my new home in the U.S. I have the monthly church newsletter from March 1954, listing the christening, and it had this photo on the outside cover.
Does anyone remember Len and Alice Fairhurst of Morden Ave in Ashton - they were members of this church?
I remember back in the 40s as a lad having to pump the church organ,there was a cotton reel on a string and if if dropped below the pressure level the organ slowed down and you were in trouble.Heard a singer in there called Marjorie Chapman,didnt go down well with the older generation of the congregation..But again,happy days
Who could forget that cracked bell, on a sunday morning.