Wigan Album
Photo: nyce horse
Item #: 7107
even if it's not, it's a good view across to Bryn road, Garswood Hall and the threesisters.
Nice pic' about what year was it taken ?
Thinking, around late 60's early 70's.
Great pic,you can just see what were the police houses at the back of the railway terrace,on Bryn Road.
When my Uncle Jimmy worked on Bryn Station I spent many hours watching the trains, especially when the coal was coming out of Garswood Hall, a 9f with a banker! was a fine sight indeed!!!!!!
Only just seen this. What a cracking photo.
fantastic photo took me back nice!
I remember the houses on the right i thing it was called railway terrace,i used to mate with a lad from there Roy Bridge ,i also remember a couple off familes from there, the lowes i think they had three girls, & the Carneys
A historic spot, where the railway excavation cut through the remains of the Roman Road from Wilderspool to Coccium. Preserved for ever, I had thought, in naming the local pub:'The Britannia'! Alas1 I guess nothing is forever!
I remember steam trains scaring me to death at Garswood station when I was very young - I was born in 1962. This photo also shows the size of mining operation going on where Three Sisters now is - massive !!!
I'd say this was 1964/1965. Demolition of the colliery was underway in 1964, the slag heaps (Three Sisters) had gone by 1966/1967.
Well this takes me back, I can see our car outside number 6 Railway Terrace where we lived. So lucky to have had those happy times and the lovely steam trains.