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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album



the old tree at coffin wood
the old tree at coffin wood
Photo: derek evans
Views: 4,878
Item #: 5287
taken about 1957
me and my dad Ted you can just see the slope of the largest of the three sisters in the background.
This was a well known meeting place near the lodge.

Comment by: JEFF HALLSWORTH on 2nd March 2008 at 17:45

Hi Derek,didn't we used to call that tree the monkey tree.Remember walking down CRIPS many a time to that tree.Thanks for the photos Derek,lots of memories.

Comment by: derek evans on 2nd March 2008 at 18:42

Hi jeff I found a photo of a walking day with me you and david jones on would you like me to put it on.

Comment by: JEFF HALLSWORTH on 2nd March 2008 at 23:32

Hi Derek,that would be good if you put that photo on.I'm sure I must have those photos somewhere but haven't seen them for years.

Comment by: Jeanette Collins on 15th June 2008 at 15:16

When the Collins & Pickup families used to walk to this old tree we called it 'long tailed fish' because we thought it resembled a beached, dead, fish!

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