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crippins lane, red rocks, coffin wood,blue waters
crippins lane, red rocks, coffin wood,blue waters
Photo: derek evans
Views: 5,671
Item #: 5285
crippins lane with bamfurlong in the background
about 1957
a free icecream for anyone who knows who the kids are I know 5 of them.
the one on the right I dont know.
the lad next to the girl is me.

Comment by: derek on 1st March 2008 at 19:48

kathlee wogan, derek evans, mike mcnulty brian thornton john lowe
front ronni williams

Comment by: MARK CALTER on 2nd March 2008 at 15:42

Kathleen Worgan yes Mike McNulty yes the rest i would not know

Comment by: JEFF HALLSWORTH on 2nd March 2008 at 17:41

Hi Derek,We've been to visit Kathleen Worgan and her brother David a few times in the states,just outside of Boston to be exact,also remember Brian Thornton,Ronnie Williams and Mike McNulty,do you know where they are?

Comment by: derek evans on 2nd March 2008 at 18:50

Hi again
Brian last time I saw him about 35 years ago he was going to drive to austrailia in an old van. daft as a brush brian. I wished I could find him.
Ronni was working in ashton at eavsways coaches but thats ages ago.
Mike still lives opposit the old school on Lilly Lane.
If you ever talk to Kathlee remember me to her please.
We did call that tree the monkey tree now I think on.

Comment by: JEFF HALLSWORTH on 2nd March 2008 at 23:38

Derek,I will remember you to Kathleen next time,my mum and dad were pretty friendly with her parents,Marie & Ronnie.

Comment by: Kathleen (Worgan) on 11th May 2008 at 21:13

these are great to look back on, I remember all the boys in the pic, hi Jeff I see your comments, havent see you in a while, Kath

Comment by: derek evans on 16th June 2008 at 16:50

Kathleen have you seen the photo of you , me and philip shaw on crippins lane.
It is in the walkingday photos, bamfurlong methedist, race you home.
I have photos of your mam and dad at my wedding.

Comment by: Beryl Bowker nee Houghton on 6th October 2009 at 01:58

Hi Kathleen do you remember the Houghton Twins You probably remember me jeff you ronnie williams albert jones linda gee gwen pugh david carter we all used to mate together we had some good times in bamfurlong

Comment by: colette robinson on 28th February 2012 at 12:02

irember walking up and down crippins lane with my grandad .

Comment by: Sarah on 10th October 2012 at 19:10

Where was Crippins lane?I used to live in Bamfurlong,on Beech Tree Houses,the houses looked out over open farmland and there was a culvert type thing which I heard was called Coffin Lane Brook(never heard of Coffin Lane either)I later moved onto Lily Lane,near to where the post office is now situated,I remember there being a rather good chip shop there before it.

Comment by: Derek on 18th February 2013 at 21:59

Crippins lane started at Jollie Jacks club was or where the police station is now and if you walked through to the other end and to out at Landgate.

Comment by: Bill Crow on 6th June 2016 at 11:18

Is that the same Kathleen Worgan who later attended Leigh Girls' Grammar School and went on to study maths at Newcastle University? She married Richard J Packer in Swindon in April 1972 and was most recently heard of living at 6, Manor Place, Frenchay, Bristol, Avon, BS16 1PS.

Comment by: Bill Crow on 10th June 2016 at 12:09

I apologise for my comment of 06 June. I had my Kathleen Worgans mixed up. If the girl in the picture had a brother called David then she is probably Kathleen A Worgan, born in the Ince district of registration Q1 1947. Her brother David R Worgan, was also born in Ince Q1 1957. Their mother's maiden name was Harraghy.
The girl I had in mind was Kathleen Worgan (no middle name), born in the Ince district of registration Q1 1949. She had two brothers: Harry, born at Ince Q1 1957, and Robert, born at Ince Q4 1958. Their mother's maiden name was Houghton.

Comment by: Barbara Lyon on 19th September 2023 at 16:47

hi, just been reading comments. I lived at bryn hall cottages from the age of eight to nineteen. It was a great place to live, unfortunately no street lights, pitch black when walking down the lane at night

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