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Bickershaw Colliery


Bickershaw Collieries locos at Bolton House Road
Bickershaw Collieries locos at Bolton House Road
Photo: Arthur Pilkington
Views: 3,317
Item #: 5225
Another shot of the colliery locomotives in the Spring of 1971. My father worked for many years at Bickershaw Colliery as a rope splicer.

Comment by: aitch on 23rd February 2008 at 00:20

Looking at the 16ton all steel wagon behind the engine brings back a few more memories of when I worked at Central wagon, breaking them, and locos up, We were paid £4.50 a wagon and no piece of steel had to be any larger than 5 foot long by 18 inches wide, That was in the late 60s. Hard work to make a decent days pay.

Comment by: Matt White on 9th January 2014 at 23:45

In May 1972, during a wet and muddy Bickershaw pop festival, a kindly driver and fireman let me and a few mud sodden friends up onto the footplate of this actually huge engine, to dry off a bit. We asked if they would drive us in the engine, but quite rightly they refused. They allowed us to stay until we were warmed up. We appreciated it!

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