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Bickershaw Colliery


Bickershaw Collieries locos at Bolton House Road
Bickershaw Collieries locos at Bolton House Road
Photo: Arthur Pilkington
Views: 4,028
Item #: 5224
Locomotive "Hurricane" at Bolton House Road - taken in the Spring of 1971

Comment by: Geoff Gaskell on 27th July 2009 at 08:03

This loco or a similar one from Bickershaw is waiting restoration at East Lancs railway Preston Docks. Myself and pals used to spend a lot of our time up Bolton House Road. There was a Rugby Pitch next to the sidings where Bickershaw Hornets used to play. Happy days.

Comment by: John Leyland on 24th October 2021 at 07:37

These engines had nicknames, Puffin Billies and the like, as Kids we would run to the Bridge that ran through the middle of Bickershaw to INHALE the smoke from the engines. My dad was a miner at Bickershaw, Maypole, and Plank Lane.
We used to run up to Plank Lane, - Unhook coaltrucks from Engines and ride the trucks down to Bolton House Road. Which was Great...... until bobby Bill Davies caught us, and threatened to tell our Dads in the pub.......
We stopped doing it. :-)

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