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Bryn 1982
Bryn 1982
Photo: Dougie Yates
Views: 7,756
Item #: 4854
Looking to Bryn Cross from top of Rose Hill

Comment by: Carol King on 6th February 2008 at 02:38

Amazing how little traffic there is on the road in those days. I had forgotten about those shops on the right of the picture. Thank you for the memories it brought back

Comment by: Ron on 17th September 2008 at 21:39

I don't Know who owned the shop on the corner but the Chippie was owned by Edie cottham next door was Griffith's bike shop and the furniture shop I think it was Roscoe's

Comment by: linny on 25th September 2008 at 06:35

yes you are right about the shops,i remember Roscoes furniture shop.I think there used to be Brinlows flowers or something like that.I remember my mam getting my walking day flowers from her.Good days.

Comment by: tom on 22nd February 2009 at 19:58

when we was kids ron the corner shop was grimshaws

Comment by: Ron on 28th May 2009 at 15:40

Thank's Tom I remember now!!!

Comment by: Karin on 16th September 2009 at 09:22

The scrubland you see on the left used to have terraced houses built on it. I played in the backs there as a kid and one of the homeowners had a big parrot in their back garden and they used to let us palay with the parrot too.

Comment by: nyce horse on 9th November 2010 at 22:21

Am I right in thinking the Grimshaw's (corner shop) had a son who played for one of the top soccer teams? Goalie, I think.

Comment by: Allan Gambles on 25th November 2010 at 13:58

Many years ago I used to live in one of the terraced houses on the side where there is scrubland in the photo. A small treee is now on the site of my ancestral home.

Comment by: spectre on 3rd January 2011 at 21:48

hi Karin I think the parrot belonged to Steve Brogan,he used to take it in the Bath Springs in the 70's.

Comment by: Kenee on 8th February 2011 at 18:12

Roscoes furniture shop became Ashton Heating & Plumbing. Early sixties I think.

Comment by: Ron on 13th April 2011 at 18:49

used to be the best chips for miles around from the chippy next to Griffith's bike shop! I can smell them from here!!! mmmmmmmmmmmm

Comment by: Priscus on 30th April 2011 at 02:25

ah yes! and before Grimshaw, it was Cave. But does anyone remember across the road from this, on the corner, just next to the car in the foreground: Ramsdale's Ice-cream Parlour?

Comment by: Helen P on 13th May 2011 at 14:48

Does anyone have a photo of the terraces opposite before they were demolished as I've never seen one! As a child, I lived in the corner shop almost opposite Grimshaws just after it was Ramsdale's Ice Cream shop. It became my dad's, Prescott's furniture shop then later my dad ran his coal haulage business from this address.

Comment by: Priscus on 17th May 2011 at 14:59

Hi Helen,

His coal haulage truck (sides removed: going as a flat bed) provided one of the Floats for the procession celebrating the coronation (June 1953). Few of us on Rag Bru could afford cameras in 1953. However, Leadbetter, who later had the photographic shop on Gerrard Street, were then located on Skelton Street. Surely there must be some photos around out there!

I can't remember the exact route of the procession, except for inexplicable reasons, that it included Nicol Road. However it terminated on the Whithill: then open land between the Bath Springs, and the old St Peter's School. (Just yards from Leadbetter's Studio!) In the Fifties there was not public access to this land, But it was full of bunting and marquees and stuff for the festival: it must have been opened specially for the event!

If you are reading this, and can find any photos, please consider putting them up.

Comment by: Priscus on 18th May 2011 at 11:43

ps sorry 'inexplicable' refers to my selective memory.Not to the procession including Nicol Road. No intention to offend.

Comment by: tony on 16th February 2012 at 21:08

i thought this was b4 1982

Comment by: ian gregson on 31st March 2012 at 07:05

is that an Austin Princess ?

Comment by: Edna Harris (Hurst) on 13th August 2012 at 21:42

I remember the chippy well. We'd take our own dish and they'd keep it warm til it was your turn. I used to buy puncture repair kits from the bike shop. Brimelows florist was further up near Bryn Baptist...my great aunt.

Comment by: J oe Green on 24th October 2012 at 20:22

Remember the chippy well . Not tasted chips like them since. The best ever but the worst service. Also remember the machine they used to cut the chips.

Comment by: Michelle on 8th August 2020 at 22:38

I remember Grimshaw’s shop on the corner and the brilliant chippy too! Yes and Roscoe’s furniture. There was a shop in Eddleston Street on the corner of Skelton Street behind. I think it was Mrs Haseldine’s? I remember shopping there with my mum in the 1960s.
There was also some ruins of an old school on Soughers Street (where the new houses are now)? We played there as children too.

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