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HIGH ST Standish
HIGH ST Standish
Photo: RON
Views: 5,461
Item #: 4168
Post card of High Street Standish looking north early 1900's. Car terminus written on card refers to the trams which ran from Wigan to Standish.

Comment by: Mike Peet on 20th January 2008 at 12:07

I believe my great grandfather had a painting and decorating business located at No 1 High St, which I believe is on the jenction corner front left. His name was John Arstall. He died in 1901 leaving a wife and 13 children!

Comment by: Rev David Long on 11th May 2016 at 20:06

I think one of his sons, Alfred, is among the WW1 casualties listed on the Peace Gate and the Village Cenotaph.

Comment by: Paul mason on 18th May 2017 at 18:58

a gentleman name albert Arstall used to decorate my nans house in smally st my nan and grandad was called william and florrie mason.
any relation.?

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 25th October 2018 at 10:40

You still see Albert's Son Ken, out and about around Standish. He was a painter and decorator too, used to live in Heaton St. Think he's retired now.

Comment by: Judith on 15th July 2020 at 12:15

The Wheatsheaf pub used to brew its own beer and the smell of spent hops out at the back was amazing when I was walking up School Lane to St Marie's School.

Comment by: Roy on 21st June 2021 at 19:12

Sorry Judith the Wheatsheaf didn't brew it's own beer, the beer was brewed by the JB Almond brewery which was situated on School Lane behind the Wheatsheaf.

Comment by: Mrs c manifold on 20th October 2021 at 12:59

For Ken Arstall : did you do a photo of the winter moorings at Red Rock?
If so please can you get in touch.

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