Wigan Album
Photo: RON
Item #: 4168
I believe my great grandfather had a painting and decorating business located at No 1 High St, which I believe is on the jenction corner front left. His name was John Arstall. He died in 1901 leaving a wife and 13 children!
I think one of his sons, Alfred, is among the WW1 casualties listed on the Peace Gate and the Village Cenotaph.
a gentleman name albert Arstall used to decorate my nans house in smally st my nan and grandad was called william and florrie mason.
any relation.?
You still see Albert's Son Ken, out and about around Standish. He was a painter and decorator too, used to live in Heaton St. Think he's retired now.
The Wheatsheaf pub used to brew its own beer and the smell of spent hops out at the back was amazing when I was walking up School Lane to St Marie's School.
Sorry Judith the Wheatsheaf didn't brew it's own beer, the beer was brewed by the JB Almond brewery which was situated on School Lane behind the Wheatsheaf.
For Ken Arstall : did you do a photo of the winter moorings at Red Rock?
If so please can you get in touch.