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Dam Corner Downall Green
Dam Corner Downall Green
Photo: Dougie Yates
Views: 5,328
Item #: 3885
Only very old Downall Greeners will have a chance with this, looking across from about the bridge to Lions farm & Dot Cromptons and the barucks houses the lake was filled in 40s,houses built on the Dam now

Comment by: janet on 15th August 2008 at 18:46

I remember as a little kid, the water froze over, me and my friend tried to walk across, but fell through the ice, it wasn't deep but I got soaked through and got a good hiding when I got home.

Comment by: Joan - on 23rd May 2009 at 17:28

my father was born and bred at the baruks it's very hard to picture it when you go past now.

Comment by: helen barlow on 13th November 2009 at 20:04

really pleased to see this picture my ancestors richard and susannah crank were the millers at dam corner in the last century.

Comment by: Ged Hilton on 18th April 2011 at 20:16

Susana Crank was my mothers aunt,They ran the up to the begining of 1900s

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