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Market Hall, Indoors


Photo: Ron Hunt
Views: 1,734
Item #: 34369
SHAWS PICKLE STALL Market Hall 1930's. I can't ever remember seeing this stall in the 1950's..

Comment by: Veronica on 13th April 2023 at 12:43

It’s nothing but a tragedy that the old Market Hall was bulldozed out of history. It can’t be replaced that’s for sure. Same with all the big stores it’s shocking. No interest in going to Wigan or Bolton for that matter.

Comment by: Alan Winstanley on 13th April 2023 at 14:15

I completely share your view's on this Veronica , both my wife and i loved travelling into town Wigan , and occasionally pop over to Bolton Market ,but they too have destroyed that and god only know's what they are doing to out town Wigan , yet i think we will go less and less in the future . SHAME ON THESE PEOPLE !

Comment by: MikeW on 13th April 2023 at 19:49

If people actually used markets and town centre shops in sufficient numbers, oh never mind! Its all been said before.

Comment by: Peter Walsh on 14th April 2023 at 07:31

My wife and I very often came back to shop in Wigan, we loved the old market, The town centre has lost its soul gradually. Town centres are not just visited for shopping, but for a pleasant shopping environment and historic surrounding play a major part , Can you imagine York council demolishing The Shambles and old market and building a new concrete precinct.

Comment by: Veronica on 14th April 2023 at 10:23

I agree the towns are disappearing by stealth. I suppose it’s more economical for those big stores to be making online shopping available for everybody. But it’s not everybody that wants to shop online. When they do shop online what they order is not always up to scratch. Was it Napoleon who described Britain as a ‘nation of shopkeepers’?
I wonder what he would say now. Probably a Nation of Zombies!!! . We had an Industrial Revolution and now it’s a Technological Revolution. What on Earth next I wonder.
( I know I’m just rambling on!)

Comment by: Gareth Cheetham on 14th April 2023 at 10:44

Has the old Market Hall been demolished then ??

Comment by: Veronica on 14th April 2023 at 13:27

The old ‘well loved’ Market that looked out on to the Market Square from one of its many entrances has gone with the wind and the younger newer Market is going the same way. Gareth you must have been absent a long, long time.

Comment by: Cyril on 14th April 2023 at 22:35

Unlike the Market Halls, Shaws Pickles are still around and still as popular, seems Nellie Pledge (Hilda Baker) likes a pickle too, as does their Eli, I'm sure. Have a read on the link and see that the Shaws pickling family really did have an Ely, as did the fictitious Pledge's pickles.

Comment by: Maureen on 15th April 2023 at 09:24

Yes the old market went and so is this one..with not a thought for the stall holders..I was told that when the old market was demolished the lady from the sweet stall finished up having a nervous breakdown..the unrest that has been dealt out to the stall holders is so unfair.

Comment by: Veronica on 15th April 2023 at 10:21

I agree Maureen. But one stall holder in particular told me he knew what was coming and he got out. He has the Haberdashery shop in the little arcade and it’s lovely. Plus his rent is a lot lower. I always went to the stall at the bottom end but he had the stall in the middle.

Comment by: AH on 19th April 2023 at 10:49

The market hall may still be here for a few years ? [rumours]

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