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Views: 2,396
Item #: 34018

Comment by: Jeanette on 23rd September 2022 at 14:37

Thought it was actually in Bickershaw though?

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 23rd September 2022 at 15:18

No, Jeanette, it's in Hindley although accessed from Bickershaw,

Comment by: irene robert on 23rd September 2022 at 16:53

It's on the border of Hindley and Bickershaw. Approaching it from Bickershaw, it is at the end of Gibson Street where my husband's mate lives, and that is in Bickershaw, but when I was at Hindley Grammar School in the mid-late 1960s, we used to go on "cross-country" runs in the Double Games Lesson on a Wednesday afternoon. Down Park Road, HINDLEY, past Leyland Park, to the railway lines, then across the railway bridge, The prison was situated there, on the border. It was a borstal then, for young offenders, and the lads used to be working in the fields as we girls passed by. Of course as soon as we were out of sight of the games mistress, we slowed to a walk and strolled along singing the latest songs, such as Puppet on a String. I was going out with Peter then, (I was 15), and his half-day off from work was Wednesday, and I used to phone him from the phone-box in Bickershaw Lane which is still there! All so long ago as I am 70 in two weeks' time....oh dear!

Comment by: Veronica on 24th September 2022 at 07:46

You’re still a spring chicken Irene compared to most of us on here.. I believe 70 is the new 60 anyway, or so they say…..;o))

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 24th September 2022 at 12:49

Veronica, Hindley nick has a bad reputation. What was it like when you and Irene were inmates?

Comment by: Veronica on 25th September 2022 at 11:35

We were in charge Bruce, it went down after we went onto other things..there was a riot after we left… the inmates went on hunger strike they thought we would come back but it was not to be…

Comment by: Sir Bob on 3rd October 2022 at 13:29

It were Bickershaw Borstal.

Comment by: Pw on 4th October 2022 at 19:03

Always known it as Hindley Borstal.I can remember it starting to be built.

Comment by: Elizabeth Lloyd on 20th October 2022 at 01:30

Great photo of the blocks!
My dad was posted to 'HINDLEY BORSTAL' from Gloucester Prison in 1961, when he started the cell doors were not yet on, he had been a Joiner by trade (pre war) so was hang doors at first before the 'guests' arrived.
The quarters were not ready, only the bottom half of Gibson Street. On the even side there were a few old terraced houses at the top of the street, demolished in the mid 1960's.
In December 1961 my parents moved into No. 46 Gibson Street, no water connected for a week, thick mud for months as there was no pavements made up, they had 4 boys under 6!
May 1962 they moved up the street to another brand new house (4 bed) number 28 and I was born (March 63) in the back bedroom.
As far as we know I was the first baby conceived and born in the quarters (Gibson Street)? My birth was registered at Hindley Registry Office!

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