Wigan Album
Queen's Hall, Market Street, Wigan
6 CommentsPhoto: Daniel Catterall
Item #: 33992
If only we could hear sound from photos and listen to what was being discussed by the four ladies front centre, it seems to be about something on a side plate, the lady seated on the left is interested too.
Those large teapots remind me of the excursions to Southport with Labour clubs, in the dining halls of where they held lunches they served orange juice to the children in large teapots and they mustn't have rinsed them as you always got tea leaves in your juice.
What a fascinating photo. I love the fact that most of the ladies are wearing their hats whist enjoying their tea. They always had a huge teapot at Summer/Christmas Fairs long ago in my Primary School days, in the "refreshments" area, with church ladies dishing out ham sandwiches and cups of tea amidst gossip about who had "done a moonleet" or who was "livin' o'er t'brush"!
My friend Elizabeth and my self met up there,it's a nice place to go for a coffee.,one of the helpers found out it had been my Brirthday..the next thing a young man got his guitar and proceeded to play and sing Happy Birthday to Maureen,I was thrilled to bits,everyone joined in,it made my day.
I should have said this was Tuesday this week.
Yes Maureen,it felt really special ! Lovely cafe and people.x
Just noticed the young lad on the second table up from the front on the left and he's got a big cheeky grin on his face, wonder if he placed a fake cut off finger from a joke shop within those sliced ham sandwiches on that plate, and those ladies are deciding who's finger it could be.
A lot of churches after the Sunday evening or a midweek service would often serve refreshments consisting of tea and cake whilst congregants had fellowship between each other, or having what is now called a catch up. Maybe because of the keepability of it in tins and it tasting even better when matured longer, the cake always seemed to be Parkin - it is good though, and the gingery the better.