Wigan Album
Item #: 33111
Can see there is a plaque on the front of the house that looks to be bearing the Legs of Man or Triskelion crest, remember being shown in 1967 another plaque bearing a Legs of Man crest in All Saints Church, I can't remember exactly what I was told about it back then, however it seems that in the 17th Century Orlando Bridgeman was good friends with Thomas Greenhalgh the Governor of the Isle of Man and who along with Manxmen fought at the battle of Wigan Lane. Possibly the Bridgeman family was allowed by Thomas Greenhalgh to use the Isle of Man crest.
mentioned here: http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/manxsoc/msvol30/ch01.htm
Fascinating information regarding the Isle of Mann connection to Wigan and the coat of arms on the old Wigan Hall, made me think of the Legs of Mann pub which was situated at the top and bottom of the old arcade leading from Standishgate to Woodcock Street and how it got its name, it was said that there was an underground passage connecting the two?
Pleasing to see that the current Wigan Hall (built in the Arts and Crafts style) has had the trees and shrubbery removed opening up one of the few remaining picturesque views left in the town.